Fixed Appliances

Fixed orthodontic appliances, commonly referred to as train track braces, consist of brackets attached to the teeth and interconnected by wires. Functioning together, these components apply gradual pressure, facilitating the progressive alignment of your teeth.

Importance of Regular Adjustments:

Regular adjustments are essential to ensure effective tooth movement and treatment progress. Typically, your orthodontist schedules these adjustments at specific intervals based on your personalized treatment plan, usually every 6 to 8 weeks.

Adjustment Process:

During these appointments, necessary modifications to the wires, bands, or brackets are made to continue guiding your teeth toward their desired positions.

Benefits of Fixed Appliances:

Fixed appliances offer several benefits, including:
Correction of Misalignment: Effectively correcting misaligned teeth and bite issues.
Predictable Tooth Movement: Providing predictable and precise tooth movement for optimal results.
Continuous Treatment Progress: Offering a non-removable solution that ensures continuous treatment progress.

Types of Fixed Orthodontic Appliances:

Fixed orthodontic appliances can come in two main types: metal brackets or tooth-colored ceramic brackets.

Metal Brackets:

Metal brackets are the traditional option for fixed orthodontic treatment. They are made of stainless steel and are highly durable.

Tooth-Colored Ceramic Brackets:

Tooth-colored ceramic brackets are a more aesthetically pleasing option as they blend in with the natural color of your teeth. Constructed from ceramic material that closely resembles the shade of your teeth, making them less noticeable compared to metal brackets.


– Metal brackets are more visible compared to tooth-colored ceramic brackets.
– Ceramic brackets may be slightly more prone to breakage compared to metal brackets.

– Both types of brackets are effective in straightening teeth and aligning the bite, but the choice between them often depends on personal preference and aesthetic concerns.